Sunday, February 05, 2006

super bowl? what super bowl?
Tomorrow Alberto Gonzales will begin to cry about the press coverage given the Bush Administration's domestic spying operation. Time Magazine posted a story on its website yesterday outlining the plans to use a Congressional hearing to attack. Undoubtedly, he will characterize anyone who has criticized the warrentless eavesdropping program as being unpatriotic and supporting terrorists and terrorism.

How fascist can you get?

According to a story by the Associated Press, Gonzales will defending the program because, according to the administration, targets suspects, not innocents. That's like dropping an atomic bomb on Baghdad and defending it because it was targetting Saddam Hussein. You cannot justify eavesdropping on innocent Americans by claiming it's just collateral damage.

Let's be clear: this is not just a case of wiretapping or eavesdropping without a warrant. The Bush Administration's domestic spying operation is to wiretapping what Niagra Falls is to a leaky faucet. The NSA has been intercepting communications at the hub -- in essence corralling all communication, be it telephone conversations, cellular phone traffic or email, and subjecting it to a massive data mining operation. In other words, they run all communication traffic through powerful super computers, sifting data for keywords the NSA feels denotes communication with terrorists or terrorist organizations.

There is no court in the land -- including courts stackd to the brim with Republican loyalists -- that could possibly sanction this kind of operation. It's unconstitutional on its face, let alone in its details.

Sunday, AP reported Arlen Specter, chairman of the committee to which Gonzales will do his crying, said the Crony General's explanations to date have been "strained and unrealistic."

But really, what else can you expect from an administration with such disdain for the Constitution?

Bush is quoted as screaming at his advisors to "stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It's just a goddamned piece of paper!"

This is an administration that feels that it can blithely disregard the rule of law. It can sign a bill that makes it illegal to torture prisoners and announce that that the President can order prisoners to be tortured any time he feels moved to do so.

We've all had our civil rights violated. We all need to feel and give voice to our outrage.

More soon.


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