Sunday, March 12, 2006

hit the nail on the head
No wonder Republicans truly fear Hollywood.

Sure, Tinsel Town has produced its share of devoted advocates for everything Republicans hate – worker’s rights, fair wages, environmental reform. But it also produces icons.

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. And as I mentioned before, The American President.

Aaron Sorkin summed up Republican politics with the speech mentioned in the earlier post. Republicans aren’t interested in solving problems. They’re only interested in making you afraid and telling you who to blame.

Let’s break down an issue and see how true Sorkin’s words really are.

George W. Bush has admitted to a vast program of domestic spying the likes of which no one has seen before. How did he react when confronted by the fact of his own misdeeds?

He followed the Republican script. First, he questioned the patriotism of anyone who dared criticize his administration. Then, on cue, he turned to scare tactics – trotting out a fictitious attempt on a skyscraper in Los Angeles. Be afraid, be very afraid!

The coda on that refrain is to keep repeating the term “terrorist.” This wasn’t a case of domestic spying! This was a TERRORIST surveillance program! Be afraid of those Koran-quoting brown people! It’s their fault! They want to blow you up! I’m protecting you! You weren’t using your civil rights anyway, right? Only subversive types and homosexuals ever REALLY need civil rights – and we’re protecting you from gays, right?

Cut the bullshit, Mr. President.

Senator Feingold – you are absolutely correct in calling for censure. My only complaint is that it’s too little to ask for against a president more deserving of impeachment than any in the history of this republic.

More soon.


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