teddy takes dead-aim at dead-eye dick
We’ve heard the Dick Cheney song and dance over and over again. Democrats bad. Dick Cheney good. Democrats live in a pre-9/11 world; Vote Republican.Cheney’s shotgun-on-the-fly target of late has been the Republcan’s favorite target over the last two decades: Sen. Edward Kennedy. The senior senator from Massachusetts got “dicked” most recently as the veep continues to bite back on the NSA surveillance issue.
Kennedy, who had drawn my ire of late for not supporting Russ Feingold’s resolution for censure, fought back Sunday on Face the Nation.
Quoting from the official transcript of Face the Nation:
“Vice President DICK CHENEY: (From March 19, 2006) I would not look to Ted Kennedy for guidance and leadership on how we ought to manage national security, Bob. I think what Senator Kennedy reflects is sort of the pre-9/11 mentality about how we ought to deal with the world and that part of the world.
“BORGER: "Pre-9/11 mentality." What's your response?
“Sen. KENNEDY: Well, I think we can get along with fewer wisecracks from the vice president, and perhaps listening to some wise men and women on this issue. I'd suggest that the vice president didn't get the 9/11— he didn't get it. Because 9/11 was a result of the Taliban and al-Qaeda, and that is Afghanistan. So in response to the 9/11, the vice president recommended we go to war with the Taliban? No, to go to war in Iraq.
“There was no question now that--about the misuse of intelligence, there's no question now looking at the 9/11 commission, that the association with al-Qaeda and 9/11 was completely fabricated. There's no question now that the vice president's representation of weapons of mass destruction were wrong. There's no question when he said we would be welcomed as liberators he was wrong. There's no question that in his recent interviews that he said we're in the last throes of the insurgency he was wrong. He's been wrong on every single instance, and I would hope that the president and the National Security Council would recognize that when they're listening to his advice.”
Now, ain’t that better than a shotgun blast to the face? Anyone care to bet whether the Veep tells Ted to go fuck himself next time he sees him in the Senate chamber?
More soon.
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