Monday, March 12, 2007

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me be the first to point out what will become painfully obvious: Karl Rove will be indicted and spend the next 10 years defending himself in court. Dick Cheney may escape indictment -- indicting a sitting vice-president would be unprecedented but, in this case, totally in line with his blatant violations of law -- but he will soon be forced to resign in disgrace. Alberto Gonzalez may be the first one out the door after last week's revelations about Patriot Act abuses and his firing of eight United States Attorneys, a scandal that has now roped in Rove.

These men and their henchmen should be relieved to know that hypocracy is not a a criminal offense.

And while I'm on the subject, allow me to digress momentarily to explain to the braindead chattering classes out there bleating about a pardon for Scooter Libby: There are rules prohibitting his pardon. Maybe if you spent a little time READING the Constitution and the rule of law instead of cheering on a president who consistently wipes his ass with both, you would know that.

Now sit down and shut up until you at least know what you're talking about.

More soon.


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