when all else fails . . .
I love it when Republicans tip their hand.Bill Frist sent this in an email to supporters last week: “The Democrat alternative to Republican efforts to restrain spending is clear: Continue to spend beyond our means, mortgaging our children's future by saddling them with a debt of $8 trillion … and continue to ratchet up taxes to pay for their fiscal irresponsibility, stifling the American economy.”
Either Bill has been plagiarizing old campaign letters from Richard Nixon or he’s been living in Never Never Land the six years.
Let’s see now. Republicans control all three branches of government, both houses of Congress and most of the media in this country. They’ve cinched the Beltway so tight that a Democrat can’t go to the bathroom without permission and flushed traditional civility down the toilet in the process.
And it’s Democrats’ fault Republicans had to raise the debt ceiling to $9 trillion last week?
Bill. Buddy. Lay off the medical marijuana. For your own good.
Go back to diagnosing patients from highly edited videotape from the Senate Floor. You know, something you’re good at. No. Wait. Check that.
Just go home.
More soon.
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