This is where the rubber is going to meet the road, and there's gonna be roadkill along the way.
George W. Bush is the kind of guy who does not like being told what to do and will not stand for being criticized, let alone scolded for his conduct. If you doubt that, just go back and watch a tape of his first debate with John Kerry during the 2004 debates. His facial expressions tell the story.
And, with Dick Cheney's balls to stand behind him, Bush is not one to give in to an enemy.
Which leads us to today's showdown on Capitol Hill. The Senate wants to talk to Karl Rove and Harriet Meiers about their role in the firing of United States Attorneys; Bush would sooner take his ball and go home. He offered to let them talk to his Consiglieri and his Brain, but Pinky insisted that it essentially be off the record: No transcript, no Oath, no Audience.
Under the Republican-Controlled Congress, such a show of haughty petulance was enough to cow Congress.
Thursday, it will call his bluff and, essentially, call him out at High Noon.
George W. Bush is bluffing with a bad hand. Alberto "Fredo" Gonzalez has been caught with his pants around his ankles and so have Harriet Meiers and the Turd Blossom. The only thing that can possibly save them is a court ruling as outrageous and as partisan as the one that put W in office in the first place.
The tide has turned, and it just the first in a long series of losing hands the White House is about to play.
The way it handled USAs, the way the FBI misused National Security Letters to circumvent the use of a search warrant to obtain sensitive information. And we haven't even begun a serious look into the Administration's handling of No-Bid/Cost-Plus contracts in both Iraq and in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Paraphrasing an anonymous Democrat, "We've only had subpoena power now for six weeks and every tree we've looked up has had a cat in it. Give us six months and see what happens."
What happens is simple: These cats are about to get fixed.
More soon.
George W. Bush is the kind of guy who does not like being told what to do and will not stand for being criticized, let alone scolded for his conduct. If you doubt that, just go back and watch a tape of his first debate with John Kerry during the 2004 debates. His facial expressions tell the story.
And, with Dick Cheney's balls to stand behind him, Bush is not one to give in to an enemy.
Which leads us to today's showdown on Capitol Hill. The Senate wants to talk to Karl Rove and Harriet Meiers about their role in the firing of United States Attorneys; Bush would sooner take his ball and go home. He offered to let them talk to his Consiglieri and his Brain, but Pinky insisted that it essentially be off the record: No transcript, no Oath, no Audience.
Under the Republican-Controlled Congress, such a show of haughty petulance was enough to cow Congress.
Thursday, it will call his bluff and, essentially, call him out at High Noon.
George W. Bush is bluffing with a bad hand. Alberto "Fredo" Gonzalez has been caught with his pants around his ankles and so have Harriet Meiers and the Turd Blossom. The only thing that can possibly save them is a court ruling as outrageous and as partisan as the one that put W in office in the first place.
The tide has turned, and it just the first in a long series of losing hands the White House is about to play.
The way it handled USAs, the way the FBI misused National Security Letters to circumvent the use of a search warrant to obtain sensitive information. And we haven't even begun a serious look into the Administration's handling of No-Bid/Cost-Plus contracts in both Iraq and in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Paraphrasing an anonymous Democrat, "We've only had subpoena power now for six weeks and every tree we've looked up has had a cat in it. Give us six months and see what happens."
What happens is simple: These cats are about to get fixed.
More soon.
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