can't you just see the steam rising from fratboy's ears?
Oh, man. W. must be fuming by now.This is a president who brooks no counter opinion. He tolerates no question of his authority, his position, his actions. He IS the imperial president. If he could order beheadings -- and considering the way things have gone at Gitmo and Abu Ghraib, he very well could have already -- George W. Bush would.
Tantrums have not been out of the ordinary in the Oval Office.
And now, his loyal subjects are revolting.
Ari Fleischer hos now come off the bench, criticizing the Administration.
From Editor & Publisher's online edition:
"Fleischer, who was Bush's first press secretary - from 2001 to 2003 - told E&P that Cheney's accidental shooting of Texas attorney Harry Whittington on Saturday during a hunting trip should not have taken nearly a day to be reported. "It would have been better if the vice president and/or his staff had come out last Saturday night or first thing Sunday morning and announced it," he said during a phone interview Tuesday. "It could have and should have been handled differently."
"But Fleischer also took a jab at the reporting frenzy surrounding the story, saying most Americans are not as focused on it as the White House press corps. "The press is largely right on the issue--but it can be right and go too far," he added.
"He also said that if he were still in the White House, he would urge the vice president's office to take some of the heat off Bush's staff: "I think you go to the vice president and say, 'you need to be handling this.'"
"Fleischer's comments came just hours after Marlin Fitzwater, who served as press secretary to Bush's father and Ronald Reagan, also criticized Cheney, telling E&P he was "appalled" at the response to the incident."
The report critical of Chertoff and the rest of FEMA for its handling of Hurricane Katrina is about to splash headlines across the country. GOP congress men and women are coming off the sidelines to criticize Bush for his domestic spying program.
And I cannot say I'm saddened at the prospect of George W. Bush having a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day.
More soon.
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