Monday, March 27, 2006

boxing helen – a bill o’reilly love story
For a cowardly bastard, Bill O’Reilly loves to talk about fighting.

Not just the war in Iraq, either – although he does love to tout his wartime experiences. The fact that he’s never served notwithstanding, of course.

The Falafel Master (to understand the nickname you have to read about the sexual harassment lawsuit his former producer filed against him) famously brayed about wanting to fight Al Franken after the two appeared on at a bookseller’s convention. Franken was pushing a new book, “Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right.” And O’Reilly took offense at being proved a liar in person.

The fact that Franken was a collegiate wrestler and is a tough little bastard in spite of his glasses led me to wager that the Air America Host would have kicked Bully Bill’s right-wing ass.

O’Reilly’s now threatening to beat up Helen Thomas.

Yes, Helen Thomas.

Little woman. Been around since the Kennedy Administration. Covered the White House for UPI for decades and now writes as a columnist for Hearst Newspapers. The Senior-most White House correspondent in the press corps.

Old Bill got heated up last week after Thomas dared – dared, I say – to question George Walker Bush about his reasons for going to war. Every STATED reason, of course, has long since been proven false, Thomas pointed out. What is the REAL reason, Mr. President?

Never mind the fact that it’s taken three years before a member of the White House press corps has been able to ask Bush that question. And ignore the fact that the question is valid – every excuse Bush has made for invading Iraq HAS been proven false.

Nope. Bully Bill called the question “absurd” and “out of bounds.” He accused her of hating Bush and trying to undermine everything he does.

And for a capper, he said that, if he were Bush, he “would have laid her out.”

There are some obvious smartass comments I can make, but will refrain for the time being.

From Media Matters for America:

On that same day, O'Reilly began defending Bush and attacking Thomas. During the March 21 broadcast of Westwood One's The Radio Factor, O'Reilly stated that if he were Bush, he "would have laid her [Thomas] out" for asking such questions of him. "I would have laid into that woman, and I don't care how old she is," O'Reilly said, "I would have laid her out, saying, 'How dare you?' "

On the March 21 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, O'Reilly called Thomas's question "out of bounds," and on the March 22 Radio Factor, O'Reilly accused Thomas of trying to "undermine everything" Bush does. Additionally, during the same show, O'Reilly asserted that the "essential element" of the exchange between Bush and Thomas was whether Americans would rather have Bush or Thomas "in charge of the war on terror."

O’Reilly wasn’t the only Republican shill to attack Helen Thomas. LA Times columnist Jonah Goldberg, smartass whelp of Lucianne Goldberg, called her “that thespian carbuncle of bile” – and he should know considering who his mother is. Radio dimbulb Glenn Beck played goat noises while playing the tape of her question.

Tucker Carlson questioned Thomas’ skills as a journalist and described her questioning as “bloviating.” Forgetting for a moment that Tucker Carlson is the boil on the butt of MSNBC, this idiot wouldn’t know journalistic skill if it jumped up and bit him on his bowtie.

Let there be no mistake about this, Bill – and if you want to start a fight over my telling you this, you know where to find me – Helen Thomas would flat kick your ass without ever putting down her pad and pen.

More soon.


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