harris won’t bet on her pair after all
Katherine Harris, the Chad Harpy of Florida and candidate for Sen. Bill Nelson’s seat in the Sunshine State, made a big show on Sean Hannity’s Republican gabfest show on Fox News.She’s staying in the campaign, she said, pointing her heavily-pancaked face at the camera and batting her mascara-laden eyes. And she was going to win.
To back up that claim, she proclaimed, her voice filled with emotion, she was going to infuse her campaign with her inheritance from her father – $10 million of her own dollars.
"I'm going to take his legacy that he gave to me, everything I have, and I'm going to put it in this race," she sniffed. "I'm going to commit my legacy from my father -- $10 million."
Jim Stratton, a reporter for the Orlando Sentinel, writes in the March 25 edition:
Campaign spokeswoman Morgan Dobbs said Thursday that Harris will sell her existing assets rather than rely on money from her father, a bank executive who died in January.
“It is my understanding from her statements that she does not plan to use inherited money on the campaign -- rather, money from liquidating her personal assets, which she says total $10 million,” Dobbs wrote in an e-mail to the Orlando Sentinel.
“I think I am being pretty clear.”
Since that announcement, Harris has pandered heavily toward the Religious Right, casting herself in a biblical parable – calling herself a poor, pious widow “willing to take this widow’s mite (an ancient coin and a reference to her inheritance) … and put everything on the line.”
She even told ABC News that, by the end of the campaign, “I won't have anything left.”
That, of course, is a lie, since Harris and her husband are independently wealthy and she is not using assets currently in his name at all. Calling herself “poor” is like Donald Trump calling himself “humble.”
Pious? Apparently not pious enough to avoid lying to potential voters and current constituents – or bending over backwards to thwart the will of Florida voters while Secretary of State.
And a widow? Bet the husband enjoys that reference.
Callow Republican is a more apt description.
Guess she’ll be betting, as The Daily Show lampooned, on her breasts after all.
More soon.
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