Tuesday, March 14, 2006

by the numbers

Damn, this is getting old.

Criticize the Bush (mis)Administration and suddenly you’re a traitor.

Yesterday, finally, someone stood up and demanded the United States Senate take action against George W. Bush and his illegal wiretapping program. Today, Tony Perkins – not the guy who starred in Psycho but a religious psycho nonetheless, called Feingold’s call for censure “borderline treasonous behavior.” Perkins is president of the Family Research Council – one of the religious right’s shock troops. Perkins has been a mainstay at the various Justice Sunday rallies to oust “liberal judges.”

We’re at war, Perkins reminds us. You don’t criticize the commander-in-chief during times of war.

Never mind the fact that this is a war on, well, a concept. Terror? Terror is a state of being.

The way Republicans figure it, the United States needs to engage in perpetual war (read Project for a New American Century), which give them an endless supply of political cover to advance their social agenda – which basically means rounding up as much money as possible for corporations like Halliburton and Exxon and, by extention, wealthy investors who continually contribute to the Republican Party.

Anyone care to suggest that this is all about the pot calling the kettle black?

Thankfully, Sen. Feingold is willing to stand and fight. Too bad more of his fellow Democrats haven't found their spines and backed him.

Sen. Feingold pulled no punches in an interview with, of all places, Fox News,

"I’m amazed at Democrats, cowering with this president’s numbers so low. The administration just has to raise the specter of the war and the Democrats run and hide. … Too many Democrats are going to do the same thing they did in 2000 and 2004. In the face of this, they’ll say we’d better just focus on domestic issues. … [Democrats shouldn’t] cower to the argument, that whatever you do, if you question the administration, you’re helping the terrorists."

You're not alone on this one, Senator.

More soon.


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