Thursday, September 13, 2007

The worst-kept secret in the world of Republican politics is the total lack of concern they have for the men and women who work for a living. It's the guiding hand of their tax policy -- a policy that robs from the poor and keeps giving to the rich. It's the continuing shame of the way they handled the tragedy in New Orleans.

And it's been the backbone of their handling of the Occupation of Iraq. The Party that long billed itself as the party of strong defense has pushed the armed forces to the breaking point with no sign of concern. They've broken the back of the National Guard and are so desperate to put boots on the ground in Iraq that they knowingly send men and women who are physically and mentally unable to serve back for fourth and fifth tours of duty.

Finally, as the failures continue to mount and the public turns away from them in droves, the gloves come off and a little bit of truth comes out of the mouths of the hypocrits.

House Minority Leader John Boehner told CNN's Wolf Blitzer that the blood American soldiers shed in Iraq is "a small price" to pay in service to the grand Republican plan for the Middle East.

The lives of our best and brightest young men and women is a small sacrifice to these people. They're more than happy to sacrifice them if it means they have better control of Iraqi oil.

At least they admit it, finally. It's been apparent to anyone who cared to look, but it's not the kind of accusation you make. Civilized societies do not treat their fighting forces as a disposable resource this way. But maniacs do. And these people are maniacs in the extreme, even while they wrap themselves in the false cloak of religion and "family values."

These people need to be relegated to the trash heap of history as quickly as possible. They need to be impeached and their machinations revealed and rooted out. The Constitution demands it. Democracy demands it. Morality demands it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

One of the things I looked forward to with the coming of a Democratic Majority in Congress was, finally, an end to the stranglehold Republicans have had on the language of debate. Sadly, that hasn't been the case.

For crying out loud, can we please, PLEASE, stop calling this Iraq situation "A Surge"?

A surge is a temporary thing. After a month, we're officially into "An Escalation!"

For that matter, we aren't engaged in a war in Iraq. Nothing's been declared. This is an occupation.

Better yet, let's just be frank and call it what it really is.

A total clusterfuck.